Welcome to C&W Meter Service, LLC
C&W Meter Proving Services is your partner of choice for custody transfer and mission critical flow measurement proving services. With a wide variety of state of the art tools, C&W can meet the most demanding meter proving needs in the field or in our shop. The key to our success and your satisfaction is using the right tool for the job.

On-Site Contractor for Liquid Petroleum Meter Proving Service
Serving the entire eastern USA
Our Services
Pipeline / Refinery
C&W Meter Service offers a broad range of pipeline custody transfer meter proving services up to a maximum flow rate of 18,000 bph (12,600 gpm). Learn more about our Pipeline services and Refinery services.
Truck Loading Terminal
C&W Meter Service has served the Truck Rack Industry since 1984. We provide small volume in-line provers for fast, efficient proving of rack meters. Learn more about our Truck Loading Rack services and Propane Terminal services.
Aviation Refueling
Fuel dispensing and transfer accuracy is critical for both safety and loss prevention at any commercial airport. C&W Meter Service provides a variety of meter calibration services to meet the unique requirements of busy aviation refueling service companies.
Industrial Plant
C&W Meter Service has unique capabilities for liquid meter calibration for all types of industrial plants. We can help you achieve your ISO 9001 requirements.
Our in-line proving equipment and methods are in compliance with all state Weights and Measures Handbook 44 requirements for high flow propane meter proving.
Our Story
C&W Meter Service is your partner of choice for custody transfer and mission critical liquid flow measurement proving services. With a wide variety of state of the art tools, C&W can meet the most demanding meter proving needs in the field or in our shop. The key to our success and your satisfaction is using the right tool for the job.
C&W has over 38 years of field experience in liquid petroleum meter proving for the pipeline, refinery, marketing terminal (truck loading rack), airport refueling and power/utility industries. All C&W proving methods are NIST traceable and include the use of traditional volumetric standards, automated in-line dynamic displacer Small Volume Prover technology and precision master meter references (Turbine, Positive Displacement and Coriolis mass flow).
In addition to the traditional petroleum industries listed above, we also serve all types of industrial plants that require on-site NIST traceable liquid meter calibration. With our broad selection of volumetric and mass (Coriolis) master meters we can develop an on-site solution that meets your requirements.