C&W Meter Proving Services is your partner of choice for custody transfer and mission critical flow measurement proving services. With a wide variety of state-of-the-art tools, C&W can meet the most demanding meter proving needs in the field or in our shop. The key to our success and your satisfaction is using the right tool for the job.
You can count on C&W Meter Service for your liquid flow calibration needs. With over 38 years of flow meter calibration experience, we have the equipment and expertise to do it the right way in the time you need it.
The Management and Staff of C&W Meter Service have extensive experience at troubleshooting and repair of a wide range of mechanical and electronic flow measurement and control equipment. Experienced technicians can troubleshoot measurement problems and make recommendations to reduce measurement errors. Our In-House capabilities include:
- NIST traceable liquid flow calibration via C&W Flow Bench – 1,000 gpm max. Kerosene
- Specialize in Positive Displacement, Turbine and Coriolis flow meters
- NIST Traceability with Certificate of Calibration
- EPA Calibrations for Power/Utility Industry
- Calibration Equipment includes Small Volume Prover, Master Meter or Certified Test Measure
- Meter Calibration and Repair Specialists – Brodie International, Smith Meter, Daniel Measurement, Liquid Controls , MicroMotion Coriolis and Tuthill / Honeywell (ethanol blending).
For more information or a quotation, please contact us at 215-538-3708 or email Jeremy at
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If you need to improve your loss prevention, identify metering issues before they cost you big money or just want the peace of mind that you have the right partner to help manage your metrology process, contact C&W Meter Service today.
We look forward to serving you soon.