C&W Meter Service is your partner of choice for custody transfer and mission critical liquid flow measurement proving services. With a wide variety of state of the art tools, C&W can meet the most demanding meter proving needs in the field or in our shop. The key to our success and your satisfaction is using the right tool for the job.
C&W Meter Service is your partner of choice for custody transfer and mission critical liquid flow measurement proving services. With a wide variety of state of the art tools, C&W can meet the most demanding meter proving needs in the field or in our shop. The key to our success and your satisfaction is using the right tool for the job.
C&W has over 38 years of field experience in liquid petroleum meter proving for the pipeline, refinery, marketing terminal (truck loading rack), airport refueling and power/utility industries. All C&W proving methods are NIST traceable and include the use of traditional volumetric standards, automated in-line dynamic displacer Small Volume Prover technology and precision master meter references (Turbine, Positive Displacement and Coriolis mass flow).
In addition to the traditional petroleum industries listed above, we also serve all types of industrial plants that require on-site NIST traceable liquid meter calibration. With our broad selection of volumetric and mass (Coriolis) master meters we can develop an on-site solution that meets your requirements.
C&W continues to innovate to meet the ever changing demands for petroleum custody transfer applications. The growing use of ultrasonic metering in pipeline applications requires the use of high flow, in-line, statistical proving techniques. C&W has the world’s first and only mobile meter proving rig designed specifically with hydraulically controlled, articulating 12 inch loading arms that provide the safety and flexibility needed for pipeline service. With both master meter and SVP technology on board, accurate custody transfer meter proving services can be provided for high flow PD, turbine, Coriolis and ultrasonic meters to flow rates up to 18,000 bph (12,600 gpm).
The ever evolving use of blended fuels for automotive and truck use require the right standards and process to achieve consistent metering accuracy and optimum loss prevention. The C&W loading rack proving trailers are equipped with modern in-line Small Volume Provers and a unique assortment of hoses, cables and electronics to provide no hassle meter proving for all rack designs and products being delivered (gasoline, ethanol, ULSD, biodiesel, fuel oil, jet fuel).
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If you need to improve your loss prevention, identify metering issues before they cost you big money or just want the peace of mind that you have the right partner to help manage your metrology process, contact C&W Meter Service today. We look forward to serving you soon.