C&W Meter Proving Services is your partner of choice for custody transfer and mission critical flow measurement proving services. With a wide variety of state-of-the-art tools, C&W can meet the most demanding meter proving needs in the field or in our shop. The key to our success and your satisfaction is using the right tool for the job.
The ever evolving use of blended fuels for automotive and truck use require the right standards and process to achieve consistent metering accuracy and optimum loss prevention. The C&W loading rack proving trailers are equipped with modern in-line dynamic displacer Small Volume Provers (SVP) and a unique assortment of hoses, cables and electronics to provide no hassle pulse based meter proving for all rack designs and products being delivered (gasoline, ethanol, ULSD, biodiesel, fuel oil, jet fuel).
The Small Volume In-Line Provers utilized by C&W provide fast, efficient proving of rack meters. The use of dynamic displacer Small Volume Provers for modern truck loading racks has become the proving method of choice primarily due to the blending requirements mandated by the use of ethanol in all motor fuels. The in-line pulse proving method has become the standard for most major oil companies that upgrade their truck loading racks with newer, more modern blending and automation equipment. The pulse type SVP method provides many benefits:
1. Safer proving operation – no climbing a ladder to read liquid level
2. In-line proving system – no potential for spills
3. Prove rack meters while filling customer trucks – Efficient! – Saves Money!
4. Reduced rack downtime – efficient, quick proving operation – Saves Money!
5. No down-grading of product -– Saves Money!
6. Improved Accuracy – true high flow & low flow Meter Factors – Better system for electronic presets that utilize multi-point linearization.
7. Computer generated meter Prove Reports – no reporting errors! – Good for Auditors!
8. No pump-back to storage – Saves Time and Money!
9. Prove with Ethanol blending system enabled – Better Accuracy!
10. High and Low Flow Meter Factors within one truck compartment – Efficient!
11. Prove 2” Ethanol meters while filling customer truck – Efficient! – Saves Money!
12. Prover Operators – State Weights and Measures licensed
Get a Quote
If you need to improve your loss prevention, identify metering issues before they cost you big money or just want the peace of mind that you have the right partner to help manage your metrology process, contact C&W Meter Service today.
We look forward to serving you soon.